This young man was born between Saturday night and Sunday. I knew he was coming because the mama who I call Perro which means dog is one of my favorite goats. She is always healing when I am in the pasture. When I got to the finca on Saturday she got out of the new pasture and the workers building my cistern put her back in. When they told me this I went into the pasture to see her. She was trying to get out while I was there which was very unusual because she thinks she is a dog and she loves me.
Well I identified these actions as she was nesting. She had orginally fit her big ass body through the barbed wire into the next farm and then came back around to the old pasture where she had spent her whole time so I figured she was trying to nest in advance of giving birth. I took her back to her old pasture and left her there with plenty of food and water.
On Sunday a bunch of us went up to Playa Grande to the beach so I asked Herbert to stop off at the farm first so I can check on her. She had this beautiful little boy waiting for me on my arrival and a real sweetheart he is.
He is HUGE for a 1 day old or less baby goat. Mama is big and carried very big. I thought she was having at least two. This is going to be a big boy. All his mamas milk for himself and the start was amazing!
Welcome to the farm little guy.
Hasta Pronto!

Congratulations on your new son. I'm sure the mother is a lot more comfortable now. It was great to see you in Sosua and also to see how much progress you've made on your finca. Sorry you and Maria didn't join us Sunday night for dancing Dominican style. For future reference the place is on the right side of the road heading towards POP, past the airport. There's a big sign on the roof that says "Quedate Aqui" ("stay here") but the real name is something like Rancho Alegre. We danced like fools and had a great time.
Sorry Ben ended up at Playa Grande for the day with Herbert, Maria and her brother. Next time!
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