As some of you know years ago I had a kennel in New Paltz NY and I bred German Shepherds and some Rotweilers. I also tried Dobermans and Akitas but didn't like or enjoy those breeds.
I have wanted a German Shepherd for the Finca and just bought one on Friday. I wanted to name him Malo which is bad in Spanish but Maria got all upset and said it was a terrible name for a Dog. I liked it because he is going to be a BAD BOY when I am finished with him.
He comes from very nice German and Eastern Europe working lines with Siegers and Shutzhunds in his back ground. He is a very beautiful 9 week old puppy and I absolutely love him.
So far he has been a struggle with my sprained ankle and Maria went to Nagua for 2 days to spend mothers day Dominican with her mother and son so I had to walk him 4 times with a bum foot.

My Sheps were Natural herders and even after generations of not working as herding dogs they did it perfectly on my farm in the states. This particular guy is a very intelligent fellow and will do great and all I need is a bit of patience till my ankle heals.
I took him up to the finca today and left him with my guy Danny. He will live in the servants quarters till my ankle repairs and then I will take him back home for socialization and training.
Hasta Pronto!
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