AvocadoBrian sent me this picture telling me this was the building Alberto wanted to build the
Clinic in. I am not sure that it is actually and I believe this is the wrong building but I will figure this all out in the next week or so.
We are now getting the website ready and hopefully it will be up in the next couple of days. We are running kind of behind and these things always run up on you when you think you have all the time in the world.
If you or anyone you know who is generous is able to donate some money or goods or services to our Childrens Benefit please get in touch with me at Jazzpaging@yahoo.com.
With your help we can so some good things for the Kids and maybe even some adults on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. We will be announcing the website very soon and hopefully we will be able to generate some serious interest in raising money and doing more than the Dental Clinic we are already working on. Who knows, if we generate enough funds this time around possibly we can expand the clinic and hire a Doctor.
All I know is that this is tremendously exciting and a great opportunity to do some good here in the Dominican Republic. Please remember that there is no social fall back infrastructure here to help people but we can put that in place here!
Tonight a bunch of us are getting together at Dori's Restaurant which is located inside of Eddys Sports Bar in Sosua. It is on the street right off the main street. Turn by Banco Reservas and Super Super Liquor Store! A bit more than halfway down the street on the Right hand side. We are going to be at least 16-20 so please join us!
Hasta Pronto!
PS>I put a new button on the side that will take you to Google to sign up for Adsense for your website. This will give you an opportunity to bring links to your site and everyone that clicks on it will make you some money. Check it out!

The FREE Dental clinic is a great ideea, but I will make a sugestion to look in to it: Free Insulin for diabetics, poor people in DR they are dying for not having the money for insulin and injection. We could problably ask the Diabetics Society in USA and Canada for help.
The Colombian.
Backing under the sun in Cartagena
I received email this morning from a friend who is moving here shortly. He is a retired Doctor and his wife is an IT person. They want to get involved and I am thrilled to death to have them on board. We briefly touched on a few things that we can do such as having Students intern at the clinic.
Very very exciting and I am SURE we are on the right track. Beats the hell out of putting our efforts into the reefs in my opinion as was suggested by Robert.
I will bring up this insulin issue to those involved. We were going to research what is badly needed here and where we can make a difference in the future with other monies raised.
The website is coming along great and we will go LIVE once it is right and not show some half assed waste of time. Maybe in a few days! Great stuff...
Hey Colombian, please get involved. If you can look into this I for one would be deeply indebted to you for any help or suggestions you can offer.
Brian... I am going up on Monday. The building looks good if that is the right one. He said it was the one next door to him.
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