While having dinner a friend of ours Shad was brought up. Shad, his wife Felicia and two children live in Cabrera. So, we of course call him to say hello. Amity and her daughter are off to Samana today and are going to hopefully stop at Cabrera to get the quarter tour of Shad Ponderosa which is a lovely place to visit. I stop there very often and actually every time I am in that area.
If Shad makes the mistake of NOT being there when I drop in unannounced I steal his vegetables to punish him for the slight:) Great guy, great farm and all around great stop on the Escott North Coast Tour! .
It was a pleasure to finally find some redeeming value to opening a restaurant. Yesterday was a very pleasant day and I had a smile on my face after seeing many people I enjoy in the restaurant. Another great family was also in and are regulars. Lee and Joanne along with their beautiful daughter. I keep forgetting to grab a picture of them but I will next week when they come in again.
Yesterday on http://www.lifeinthedr.com/forum there was a thread that had a reference to another thread on DR1. When I followed that link to see the reference I saw a mention of AZB talking about some guy that flashes a big wad of bills to pay a 20 peso bill. He didn't mention my name but he has before and I can only assume that he is talking about me again. Seems to be the passtime of some people to take shots at people that won't respond.
Only time I would see AZB was in Santiago. This moron couldn't ever understand that the only reason I would leave the seaside to go to a smelly hot dirty city in the middle of the country was to shop. That is the only redeemable feature of Santiago other than a stop at the Hillbilly Estate which is a favorite of all visitors to the City. He actually knows that I hate Santiago and everything about it and understands the only reason I am there is for construction materials. Of course I carry a WAD of money with me. You have to actually "PAY" for the stuff you buy. I was never the type of person to pound out what I wanted with credit cards I had no intention of paying off and being a dirtbag like some other people here. Perhaps one day people won't take free shots that are NOT free in the end but I doubt that they will ever have the sense to realize it isn't right.
I guess he is just jealous that he has to work there at Dominican Wages even for a professional. He tried to do business in Puerto Plata but failed and had to move to a city so he could find more people that would come to him. I don't know why he was a failure as there are other Chiropractors here on the North Coast who are successful but alas he went broke and had to move to the interior to make a few dollars. Poor guy is jealous of others who didn't come to the Caribbean to live in a dirty hot city and since he is stuck in Santiago talks about it like it is the second coming of Jesus to make himself feel better about his poor living situation. Poor guy also has to make himself feel better by conquering poor bario gals who are impressed with his 15 year old Corolla:) Next time I am going to bring a wad of pesos that will be big enough to choke a horse just to piss him off further!
Hasta Pronto!
1 comment:
Funny as Hell, still laughing. Why dont you bring some of that dark Humor to the Message Board? What type of Cereal is everbody talking about? Need to get me some
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