Heck I got a better picture of what I will resort to right on the left here.
This could be me folks if you don't click on my ads to make me money for breakfast! LOL
What's the odds on my getting my buddy Jack Quontee to hang with me in the Park in Puerto Plata with a couple of large wine bottles carrying this sign?
I got email from Frank the Tank today. He is coming down next month. If Jackie won't hang with me I will call on Frank the Tank to keep me company and to make money with. So how about it Jackie, ready to do some male bonding? LOL Heck if not you or Frank the Tank, Badpiece will always do it for free booze!
Hell that is an idea for the silent auction. High bidder gets Jackie to hold a sign of their choosing in the Park in Puerto Plata for two hours between 12-2 pm on the day of their choosing. I think I would bid on this. Beats the hell out of Escotts Famous North Coast Tour:)
I crack myself up sometimes!
Hasta Pronto!
PS> click on the Google before I am beyond redemption:)
I'll bring the tin cup.
Thats it! Frank the Tank, Jackie, Avocado Brian and Moi!
We will bring jugs of wine and do a three day stint in the park.
I will have Frank the Tank intimidate people into throwing money into our Tin Cups, Jack will just moan and Police come and Brian goes to jail!
I think we got it now and it works!
Everyone in their place:)
I need some sleep!
What? You think you are going to SCOOP me Blog? Nunca!!!! LOL
Listen to me little girl. I don't have any candy for you but I can teach you how to do better than what Robbie had to offer:)
Funny thing is that everything always works out for the best all around and the same is going to happen for the Easter Silent Auction!
My breakfast was great:)
You're absolutely right, you need some sleep. I have a home now (thanks), and I don't need to hang out in the park anymore. You're on your own on this one partner. LOL.
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