I took this picture while having lunch yesterday at La Roca. Hipolito Mejia was the last President of
the Dominican Republic.
He did such a poor job of both governing and such a great job of stealing that this country has been now paying the piper since the last presidential election with higher prices to pay for his fiasco.

He is now just a bad memory although he did kickstart Real Estate for me and the country because it was a safe haven for people to put their money without losing it.
Under him the peso went from 15.xx to 53.xx to a dollar and although that may sound nice it caused all the prices to climb. Then they stayed high because all the store owners had lived with inventories in pesos that they couldn't replace when they sold it.
All in all it was a horrible presidency and all I can say is that seeing this garbage truck today brought back bad memories. They should always keep his name on Garbage trucks as a memory to his Greed and Coruption. I hope my people learn from him and eventually put these types of people in JAIL!
Only a few short months ago you were wishing for hippo's return? Are things better now?
Not really better but the bleeding has stopped and costs have stopped rising. The Government has partially stopped with stupid things like no gas on the weekends. Dollar has risen 20% so things are less expensive although not where they were under Hippo.
Still not ideal but maybe things won't get worse. I just hope the Artificial Island and the Metro grind to a halt!
you let us know something about dominica!:-) thanks
I don't know the first thing about Dominica as I have never been there. It is another Island. I will tell you all I know about the Dominican Republic or otherwise known as the DR:)
Brian... Need another day or so to get the website back up. Needed to change hosts and that is done so now we are setting up the websites. I knew this was coming so the websites were all backed up. Sorry for the inconvienence
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