Saturday, February 04, 2006

Adreas, Sleepy beach by Boca Chica

This is the Beach in Andreas which is the Dominican town just before the gringo/tourist town of Boca Chica. I came here with some Dominicans for a beer and to sit and chat for a while. Just beyond the land in front is the world famous Boca Chica Beach however I enjoyed this more than I have ever enjoyed Boca Chica.
This place was really a find and although it is inhabited with the same predator women who patrol Boca Chica they don't bother you on this side because this is NOT a tourist beach. This marina is on the other side of the beach. There were some nice boats there but nothing like you see in other marina's in North America. Guess there is a difference because you need the harbor masters permission to even move your boat in the Dominican Republic.
Dominicans steal boats to run away to Puerto Rico. They put 100 people on a 22 ft boat, charge a lot of money and they are called Yolas. People die every month doing this. I worked hard to come to the DR and they work hard to leave. Ironic...
Hasta Pronto!

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